RTOG 1008 Requirements


Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol or have a question about your status for this protocol, please fill out the credentialing status inquiry form.

This protocol requires each institution to submit electronic patient data to RTOG using TRIAD. For instructions on TRIAD, click here. Please note, with CTSU integration with TRIAD, IRB approval is required in order to submit credentialing data.

For this study IMRT, IMPT and IGRT are optional.

In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process, the following items must be completed:

• Complete and submit the Facility Questionnaire.

• Irradiate the IROC Houston's IMRT H&N phantom.  Please fill in the request form online.  

• Successfully complete the IGRT credentialing requirements. Details can be found here. (Click here for IGRT data spreadsheet.) Note : IGRT credentialing is ONLY required for reduced margins. 

In order to complete the IMPT credentialing process, the following items must be completed:

• All participants must have completed baseline approval for proton therapy.

• Complete and submit the Facility Questionnaire.

• Irradiate IROC Houston's proton H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.

• Successfully complete the IGRT credentialing requirements. Details can be found here. (Click here for IGRT data spreadsheet.) Note : IGRT credentialing is ONLY required for reduced margins.


Institutions that are credentialed to participate in other RTOG IMRT protocols requiring an IMRT H&N phantom irradiation need not repeat the phantom irradiation for credentialing for this protocol.

Institutions already credentialed to participate in RTOG head and neck IGRT protocols will not have to repeat the IGRT credentialing process for this protocol.